June 1, 2024

Jihen 6
4th place in Encounters 2 & 6. 5th in Encounter 4. 7th in Encounter 1. 10th in Encounter 3. 13th in Encounter 5.
The box in California
I discovered the game from TFW2005. I bought a bunch of Wave 1 just to collect the cool art, but the excitement Vangelus & Aaron on WTF@TFW had for the game is what got me to play.
During the Energon Invitational in 2019, I overheard someone talking about an all white Mirage deck. I came home and played around with the idea right away. Its variants are still my favorite decks to play. It has such a different feel from the rest of the game, and can perform moderately well for being such a weird niche deck.
I was already running a precursor version of Transformers.cards back then, and very involved in my local TFTCG community, so I read it from WotC soon as it was announced. I've tried to use my site to help support the game ever since.
G1 Scorponok is probably my favorite due to nostalgia. As a child, I'd go to bed with it like a kid would with a teddy bear. If I put nostalgia aside, Predaking has my favorite design, and Super Ginrai/Powermaster Optimus Prime has my favorite kind of toy gimmick.
Sky Shadow is still my favorite card. He has so many gimmicks to him, from being a combiner, a headmaster, having a stratagem.
The best way to get into the TFTCG in general is to join the
discord and just start chatting with us. We're always happy to teach new people, and chat about Transformers while we do.
If you want to get better at the game though, just play. That's the best way to improve. Then, when you want to get even better, play more.