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Mar 3rd - Mar 17th, 2022
Full Constructed
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Servants of the Dice Gods has a playlist of
tournament coverage.
Only two Titan Master bodies allowed per team.
See the season details at https://www.bayformers.net/worldstrike-tournament-season-one/. The format is "Garrus-9", where cards are rotated out of temporary ban lists based on event performance and recurrence and to promote deck diversity.
Wave One
Rise of the Combiners
Siege I
Siege II
Titan Masters Attack
World Strike
Monster Menagerie
Waste Lands
Thrust Supersonic Interceptor
Hook Surgical Engineer
Rum-Maj Wreck-Gar Sold Separately!
Scrapheap It's Not Trash If It's Worth Cash!
Wreck-Gar The Big Cheese! Now With More Cheese!
Prowl Military Strategist
26 characters w/ Melee

24 characters w/ Decepticon

16 characters w/ Ranged

14 characters w/ Autobot

8 characters w/ Constructicon

8 characters w/ Quintesson

8 characters w/ Car

7 characters w/ Beast

7 characters w/ Leader

5 characters w/ Specialist

5 characters w/ Terrorcon

4 characters w/ Motorcycle

3 characters w/ Junkion

3 characters w/ Vehicle

2 characters w/ Plane

2 characters w/ Weaponizer

2 characters w/ Titan Master

2 characters w/ Tank

2 characters w/ Mini-Cassette

2 characters w/ Dinobot

1 characters w/ Truck

1 characters w/ Titan

1 characters w/ Sharkticon

1 characters w/ Mercenary

1 characters w/ Battle Master

1 characters w/ Helicopter

Deck: 40🂠 37★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★
Added by Ozzy
Modified on Mar 17, '22
20 Action cards
15 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
5 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
11 weapon cards
4 armor cards
5 utility cards

23 icons on 17 cards (43%)

19 icons on 15 cards (38%)

13 icons on 13 cards (33%)

10 icons on 10 cards (25%)

1 icons on 1 cards (3%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 13 cards
Wave 1A: 7 cards
Wave 2: 15 cards
Wave 3: 1 cards
Wave 4: 4 cards
Wave 5: 3 cards
Wave 7: 1 cards
Wave 8: 11 cards
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★
Added by Brettasaurus
Modified on Mar 17, '22
21 Action cards
15 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
6 Rolling Actions
19 upgrade cards
9 weapon cards
7 armor cards
3 utility cards

34 icons on 28 cards (70%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)

6 icons on 6 cards (15%)

13 icons on 13 cards (33%)

24 icons on 24 cards (60%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 3 cards
Wave 2: 1 cards
Wave 2A: 3 cards
Wave 3: 6 cards
Wave 4: 6 cards
Wave 5: 10 cards
Wave 6: 6 cards
Wave 8: 21 cards
Deck: 43🂠 26★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 6★
Added by Hawkhammer
Modified on Mar 17, '22
20 Action cards
13 Regular Actions
4 Secret Actions
3 Rolling Actions
23 upgrade cards
11 weapon cards
5 armor cards
7 utility cards

29 icons on 23 cards (53%)

3 icons on 3 cards (7%)

7 icons on 7 cards (16%)

9 icons on 9 cards (21%)

12 icons on 12 cards (28%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 10 cards
Wave 1E: 3 cards
Wave 2: 8 cards
Wave 3: 1 cards
Wave 4: 5 cards
Wave 5: 13 cards
Wave 6: 7 cards
Wave 7: 3 cards
Wave 8: 7 cards
Wave 9: 2 cards
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 12★
Added by KingNaga
Modified on Mar 17, '22
20 Action cards
17 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
3 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
9 weapon cards
5 armor cards
6 utility cards

34 icons on 28 cards (70%)

6 icons on 6 cards (15%)

5 icons on 5 cards (13%)

9 icons on 9 cards (23%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)

3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
Wave 1: 17 cards
Wave 2: 13 cards
Wave 3: 2 cards
Wave 5: 7 cards
Wave 6: 3 cards
Wave 7: 2 cards
Wave 8: 9 cards
Wave 9: 1 cards
Deck: 41🂠 27★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 10★
Added by ScorpX7
Modified on Mar 17, '22
20 Action cards
17 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
3 Rolling Actions
21 upgrade cards
8 weapon cards
6 armor cards
7 utility cards

30 icons on 24 cards (59%)

12 icons on 12 cards (29%)

2 icons on 2 cards (5%)

5 icons on 5 cards (12%)

11 icons on 8 cards (20%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 10 cards
Wave 2: 9 cards
Wave 4: 11 cards
Wave 5: 8 cards
Wave 6: 10 cards
Wave 8: 10 cards
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 12★
Added by LegendaryVoid
Modified on Mar 17, '22
26 Action cards
26 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
0 Rolling Actions
14 upgrade cards
5 weapon cards
1 armor cards
8 utility cards

14 icons on 14 cards (35%)

5 icons on 5 cards (13%)

5 icons on 5 cards (13%)

9 icons on 9 cards (23%)

19 icons on 19 cards (48%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 2: 1 cards
Wave 2A: 14 cards
Wave 3: 7 cards
Wave 4: 8 cards
Wave 5: 13 cards
Wave 6: 2 cards
Wave 7: 7 cards
Wave 8: 4 cards
Wave 9: 2 cards
Deck: 43🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 7★
Added by francist
Modified on Mar 17, '22
Rum-Maj 6★Wreck-Gar Sold Separately!
Scrapheap 6★It's Not Trash If It's Worth Cash!
Wreck-Gar 7★The Big Cheese! Now With More Cheese!
13 Action cards
2 Regular Actions
6 Secret Actions
5 Rolling Actions
30 upgrade cards
15 weapon cards
12 armor cards
3 utility cards

34 icons on 28 cards (65%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)

4 icons on 4 cards (9%)

9 icons on 9 cards (21%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)

6 icons on 6 cards (14%)
Wave 1: 9 cards
Wave 2: 5 cards
Wave 3: 2 cards
Wave 4: 1 cards
Wave 5: 4 cards
Wave 6: 12 cards
Wave 8: 26 cards
Deck: 40🂠 29★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★
Added by Z-R0E
Modified on Mar 17, '22
21 Action cards
18 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
3 Rolling Actions
19 upgrade cards
10 weapon cards
3 armor cards
6 utility cards

25 icons on 19 cards (48%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)

6 icons on 6 cards (15%)

6 icons on 6 cards (15%)

37 icons on 22 cards (55%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 6 cards
Wave 2: 10 cards
Wave 3: 1 cards
Wave 4: 17 cards
Wave 5: 8 cards
Wave 6: 2 cards
Wave 8: 11 cards
Deck: 42🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 5★
Added by [Org|BF] billmoo
Modified on Mar 17, '22
21 Action cards
12 Regular Actions
6 Secret Actions
3 Rolling Actions
21 upgrade cards
12 weapon cards
3 armor cards
6 utility cards

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)

33 icons on 27 cards (64%)

6 icons on 6 cards (14%)

12 icons on 12 cards (29%)

15 icons on 12 cards (29%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 10 cards
Wave 2: 4 cards
Wave 3: 3 cards
Wave 3A: 1 cards
Wave 4: 9 cards
Wave 5: 3 cards
Wave 6: 6 cards
Wave 8: 19 cards
Wave 9: 3 cards
Deck: 40🂠 27★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 6★
Added by Vangelus
Modified on Mar 17, '22
Thrust 9★Supersonic Interceptor
20 Action cards
14 Regular Actions
0 Secret Actions
6 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
12 weapon cards
4 armor cards
1 utility cards

30 icons on 24 cards (60%)

2 icons on 2 cards (5%)

3 icons on 3 cards (8%)

4 icons on 4 cards (10%)

11 icons on 10 cards (25%)

3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
Wave 1: 13 cards
Wave 2: 6 cards
Wave 4: 8 cards
Wave 5: 12 cards
Wave 6: 4 cards
Wave 8: 7 cards
Wave 9: 6 cards
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 9★
Added by Tankhunter48
Modified on Mar 17, '22
18 Action cards
6 Regular Actions
6 Secret Actions
6 Rolling Actions
22 upgrade cards
10 weapon cards
7 armor cards
5 utility cards

1 icons on 1 cards (3%)

33 icons on 27 cards (68%)

6 icons on 6 cards (15%)

16 icons on 16 cards (40%)

15 icons on 13 cards (33%)

0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Wave 1: 6 cards
Wave 2: 5 cards
Wave 3: 8 cards
Wave 4: 5 cards
Wave 5: 6 cards
Wave 6: 10 cards
Wave 7: 4 cards
Wave 8: 11 cards
Wave 9: 2 cards