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S2 Omega Invitational Profile: Vangelus
June 5, 2024

Tournament Statistics

First Round Opponent: Champion

Tournament Bracket Seed: 9

Season 2 Results: 4th place in Encounter 1. 7th in Encounter 2. 9th in Encounter 5. 12th in Encounter 3.

Number of Tournaments Played: 21

Player Interview

Where are you from?
Vangelus island

When and how did you discover the Transformers TCG?
At the Gencon pre-launch, remotely from Canada, thanks to Aaron Aksmth.

What was/is your favorite team to run and why?
Octone crew is an ethical and simple team full of good memories and rampant ping damage.

When and how did you discover the post-cancellation community?
Basically immediately, since I was on the final ATP podcast before the cancellation & had been in contact with many folks since the EI.

Whos your favorite Transformers character and why?
Action Master elite Omega Spreem is objectively the most attractive and stouthearted of all the Transformers()

Whats your favorite card and why?
Showing Off is very uniquely a Transformers thing, and establishes a power ceiling that only really makes sense for Transformers characters.

Do you have any advice for players who want to get into the competitive scene or the TCG in general?
Love the act of playing and take joy in the non-automated interactions of systems.