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Season 2: Omega Invitational
Date(s): Jun 5th - Jul 6th, 2024
Format: Full Constructed
Platform: Webcams
Event Info
The culmination of Season 2!
The Omega Invitational is the season finale for our tournaments. This is an invite-only tournament based on Season Standings, along with Season 1 returning champion, Brettasaurus.

Spectators & Where to Watch
All of our tournaments are played through our Discord server, and we welcome people to come and watch any of our matches! However, please mute your mic before joining a channel with an ongoing game.

Some matches will be livestreamed by members of the design team. When streaming, a link to their channel will appear on the front page under "Ongoing Events".

All games will be recorded, and many recordings will have commentary. These recordings will uploaded to the Transformers TCG YouTube channel, and listed here afterward.

This will be a 16 player bracket tournament, with typical Seed-1 vs Seed-16, Seed-2 vs Seed-15, etc.

It is a double elimination event, which consists of two brackets. Players compete until they lose twice, with losers from the winner's bracket falling into the loser's bracket until one winner emerges from each bracket, and ultimately face off against each other in the grand final.

While most rounds will be a Best of 3, the Winners Bracket Final, Losers Bracket Final, and Grand Final will all be Best of 5.

Allowed & Unallowed Cards
All released cards that are not on our Current Banlist are allowed, including the now-released Summon Sky Shadow!. Additionally, the following cards are being re-evaluated and are thus not allowed in this tournament; we don't want to have cards that are mid-testing in the Omega Invitational.
Allicon Eyuk
Autobot Countdown
Stuck On You
Impetuous Stand
Severed Combiner Hand

All players will receive permanent roles in the community Discord signifying that competed in the Season 2: Omega Invitational.

The top four players will receive a pack of custom Dragon Shield card sleeves featuring the Season 2: Omega Invitational art, and 150Shanix. The artwork will be revealed at a nearby later date.

The winner will receive a custom playmat featuring that artwork, emblazoned with Omega Champion, an additional 150Shanix, and a permanent role in the community Discord signifying their championship.

Deck List Due Date & Review
Deck lists must be submitted by the June 5th 2:00 PM Pacific time\*, at which point the submitted decks will be locked. Once the decks are locked, our head judge, Technomagus, will take two days to review them all and ensure legality. At that point, you can begin scheduling matches.

Stricter Webcam Rules
This is a webcam event, and because it is our big event of the season, we will be a bit stricter about rule enforcement. To that end, be sure to keep all your cards visible at all times. Try to keep your hands visible as well. While it's fine to grab a drink or something, if a disconnect or something happens while your hands are off screen, it will *really* make you look bad.

Speaking of, in the event of a disconnect it will be up to the sole discretion of the OI Mediator (see below) on how to proceed. Depending on the situation and length of the disconnection, the game might continue as-was, it might be restarted, and in certain rare situations the disconnecting person could even face a loss.

OI Mediators & Recording
Due to the premiere nature of this event, all matches will be overseen by Z-R0E\*, Hawkhammer\*, or Technomagus. In addition to supervising the match in case of problems, they will also be recording the match. Matches will either be streamed live with commentary, or uploaded later with commentary added. Essentially, they are just there to record and assist if something goes wrong.

*Note: We will not preside over our own matches.

Match Scheduling
All matches must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance, and scheduled along with one of the mediators. Generally, the best way is for you & your opponent to decide on a time, and then see if one of the three mediators can make that. Between the three of us, there shouldn't be a problem. Multiple matches are not allowed at the same time. This allows people who want to watch live the ability to, and ensures a mediator is available for each match. Once matches are scheduled, they will be listed on the front page under "Ongoing Events".

Players and Brackets
Seed 1. Brettasaurus
Seed 2. Stephen Moss
Seed 3: Ozzy
Seed 4: WheelJank
Seed 5. KingNaga
Seed 6. Z-R0E
Seed 7. Hawkhammer
Seed 8. Champion
Seed 9. Vangelus
Seed 10. Sandman
Seed 11. Jihen
Seed 12. Siliag
Seed 13: ALostPenguin
Seed 14: EvilGem096
Seed 15. NanoT3ch
Seed 16. Spacewarp603

Players & Decks
1st Brettasaurus
Playing Brettroplex
2nd ALostPenguin
Playing Subject 3
3rd Hawkhammer
4th Stephen Moss
5th Champion
Playing OI 2
6th Jihen
7th Z-R0E
8th EvilGem096
9th KingNaga
10th Vangelus
11th Siliag
Playing Meta?
12th NanoT3ch
13th Ozzy
14th Wheeljank
15th sandman
16th Spacewarp603
Allowed Sets & Cards
Wave One
Rise of the Combiners
Siege I
Siege II
Titan Masters Attack
World Strike
Monster Menagerie
Waste Lands
Ark Exodus
Setless Cards
Unallowed Sets & Cards
Multi-Mission Gear
Peace through Tyranny
Security Checkpoint
Swap Parts
Press the Advantage
Daring Escape
Sergeant Springer
Fusion Borer
Mission Briefing
Decepticon Quake
Sky Shadow Sync
Allicon Eyuk
Autobot Countdown
Stuck On You
Impetuous Stand
Severed Combiner Hand
Character Usage
Among the top 4
1x Decepticon Pounce Infiltrator
1x Nightracer Gunner
1x Vorath
1x Crashbash Ocean Terror
1x Allicon Aronik Killer Croc
1x Bonecrusher Demolitions
1x Hook Surgical Engineer
1x Longhaul Transport
1x Mixmaster Materials Fabrication
1x Scavenger Mining and Salvage
1x Scrapper Constructicon Foreman
1x Nemesis Prime Dark Clone
1x Optimus Prime Battlefield Legend
Among all players
4x Nightracer Gunner
4x Crashbash Ocean Terror
3x Vorath
3x Crasher Fractious Fanatic
3x Bonecrusher Demolitions
3x Hook Surgical Engineer
3x Longhaul Transport
3x Mixmaster Materials Fabrication
3x Scavenger Mining and Salvage
3x Scrapper Constructicon Foreman
2x Optimus Prime Battlefield Legend
2x Chromedome Computer Programmer
1x Decepticon Pounce Infiltrator
1x Flamewar Veteran Decepticon
1x Allicon Aronik Killer Croc
1x Starscream Decepticon King
1x Decepticon Exhaust Consumptive Condottiere
1x Megatron/Ratchet Twisted Amalgamation
1x Nemesis Prime Dark Clone
1x Sky Shadow (Plane)
1x Sky Shadow (Tank)
1x Barrage Merciless Insecticon
1x Chop Shop Sneaky Insecticon
1x Kickback Cunning Insecticon
1x Ransack Insecticon Commando
1x Lord Zarak Ruler of Nebulos
1x Scorponok Brutal Warlord
1x Sentinel Prime Legacy of the Primes
1x Autobot Infinitus
1x Ominus
1x Clobber
1x Parsec
1x Metroplex Autobot City
1x Prowl Military Strategist
1x Cliffjumper Renegade Warrior
Battle Card Usage
Among the top 4
7x Energon Axe in 3 decks
6x Laser Cutlass in 2 decks
5x Patrol the Perimeter in 2 decks
4x Sabotaged Armaments in 2 decks
4x Spymaster's Ruse in 2 decks
4x Hold the Line in 3 decks
4x Bashing Shield in 2 decks
3x Kinetic Converter in 1 decks
3x Tetrinite Micro-Lining in 1 decks
3x Turnabout Snare in 2 decks
3x Hidden Fortification in 1 decks
3x Vaporize in 1 decks
3x Brainstorm in 2 decks
3x Disarm in 2 decks
3x Grenade Launcher in 1 decks
3x Erratic Lightning in 1 decks
3x Tripwire in 2 decks
3x Energy Pack in 1 decks
3x Sturdy Javelin in 1 decks
3x Handheld Blaster in 1 decks
3x Open Agenda in 1 decks
3x Lagartan Spaulders in 1 decks
3x Lie in Wait in 1 decks
3x Point Position in 1 decks
3x Smoke Cloak in 1 decks
2x Pocket Processor in 2 decks
2x Scoundrel's Blaster in 2 decks
2x Extra Padding in 1 decks
2x The Bigger They Are in 1 decks
2x Designated Target in 1 decks
2x Angolmois Surge in 1 decks
2x Photon Charge in 1 decks
2x Bellicosity in 1 decks
2x Cosmic Rust Cannon in 1 decks
2x Head-On Collision in 1 decks
2x Leap Into Battle in 1 decks
2x Plasma Burst in 1 decks
1x Constructicon Enigma in 1 decks
1x Lose the Initiative in 1 decks
1x Corrupt Construction in 1 decks
1x Hand of Adaptus in 1 decks
1x Ramming Speed in 1 decks
1x Ion Blaster of Optimus Prime in 1 decks
1x Noble's Blaster in 1 decks
1x Sparring Gear in 1 decks
1x Repair Bay in 1 decks
1x Piercing Blaster in 1 decks
1x New Orders in 1 decks
Among all players
25x Grenade Launcher in 9 decks
17x Lie in Wait in 6 decks
16x Bashing Shield in 12 decks
15x Energon Axe in 6 decks
15x Fight For Position in 5 decks
14x Sturdy Javelin in 6 decks
12x Take the Shot in 4 decks
11x Matrix of Leadership in 4 decks
10x Tetrinite Micro-Lining in 4 decks
10x Tripwire in 5 decks
10x Supercharge in 4 decks
9x Patrol the Perimeter in 4 decks
9x Laser Cutlass in 3 decks
9x Scouting Mission in 4 decks
9x Turbo Boosters in 3 decks
8x Sabotaged Armaments in 4 decks
8x Hold the Line in 6 decks
8x Extra Padding in 3 decks
8x Angolmois Surge in 3 decks
7x Disarm in 4 decks
7x Vaporize in 3 decks
7x Erratic Lightning in 3 decks
7x Camien Crash in 3 decks
7x New Orders in 3 decks
6x Smoke Cloak in 2 decks
6x Handheld Blaster in 2 decks
6x Rage in 3 decks
6x Vamparc Ribbon in 4 decks
6x Photon Charge in 3 decks
6x Corrupt Construction in 3 decks
6x Handheld Blaster in 2 decks
6x Power Punch in 2 decks
6x Improvised Shield in 2 decks
6x Escape Capsule in 4 decks
6x Flamethrower in 2 decks
6x Start Your Engines in 2 decks
6x Roll Out! in 2 decks
5x Pocket Processor in 5 decks
5x Spymaster's Ruse in 3 decks
5x The Bigger They Are in 2 decks
5x Brainstorm in 3 decks
5x Leap Into Battle in 2 decks
5x Escape Route in 2 decks
5x Polydermal Graft in 2 decks
5x Fearless in 2 decks
5x Razor Wings in 2 decks
5x Constructicon Enigma in 3 decks
5x Bellicosity in 2 decks
5x Cosmic Rust Cannon in 2 decks
5x Head-On Collision in 2 decks
5x Work Overtime in 2 decks
5x Kinetic Intensifier Whip in 2 decks
4x Scoundrel's Blaster in 3 decks
4x Ramming Speed in 4 decks
4x Magnetic Dysfunction Ray in 2 decks
4x This is Bad Comedy in 3 decks
4x Backup Beam in 2 decks
4x Espionage in 4 decks
4x Precision Fire in 2 decks
3x Kinetic Converter in 1 decks
3x Turnabout Snare in 2 decks
3x Hidden Fortification in 1 decks
3x Armed Hovercraft in 1 decks
3x System Reboot in 1 decks
3x Decepticon Crown in 1 decks
3x Mining Pick in 1 decks
3x Security Console in 1 decks
3x Opportune Offensive in 1 decks
3x Opportune Repairs in 1 decks
3x Reprocess in 2 decks
3x Energy Pack in 1 decks
3x Open Agenda in 1 decks
3x Lagartan Spaulders in 1 decks
3x Swarm! in 1 decks
3x Force Field in 2 decks
3x Point Position in 1 decks
3x Zarak Shield in 1 decks
3x Imperator Claw in 1 decks
3x Electro-Stinger in 1 decks
3x Steady Shot in 1 decks
3x Master of Metallikato in 1 decks
3x Improvised Shield in 1 decks
3x Untiring Parma Shield in 1 decks
3x Showing Off in 1 decks
3x End Hostilities in 1 decks
3x Scan the Vaults in 1 decks
3x Incoming Transmission in 1 decks
3x Sidecar Artillery in 1 decks
3x Mecha Star in 1 decks
3x Steamroll in 1 decks
3x Paralyzo Box in 2 decks
3x Height Advantage in 1 decks
3x Improvised Shield in 1 decks
2x Piercing Blaster in 2 decks
2x Heroic Resolve in 1 decks
2x Trithyllium Drill in 1 decks
2x Starscream's Cape in 1 decks
2x Increased Durability in 1 decks
2x Toolbox in 2 decks
2x Whipped Into Shape in 1 decks
2x Designated Target in 1 decks
2x Even The Score in 1 decks
2x Static Laser of Ironhide in 1 decks
2x Enforcement Batons in 2 decks
2x Mounted Missiles in 1 decks
2x Wedge Formation in 1 decks
2x Reckless Charge in 1 decks
2x Plasma Burst in 1 decks
2x Terrifying Resilience in 1 decks
2x Holomatter Projector in 2 decks
2x Stim Shock in 1 decks
2x Emergency Repair Patch in 1 decks
2x Stable Cover in 1 decks
2x Combat Dagger in 1 decks
2x Frag Toss in 1 decks
2x Force Field in 1 decks
2x Enhanced Cyber Blade in 1 decks
2x Handheld Blaster in 1 decks
2x Staggering Might in 1 decks
2x Nitro Booster in 1 decks
1x One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall in 1 decks
1x Marksmanship in 1 decks
1x Surprise Attack in 1 decks
1x Reflex Circuits in 1 decks
1x Lose the Initiative in 1 decks
1x Hand of Adaptus in 1 decks
1x Ion Blaster of Optimus Prime in 1 decks
1x Noble's Blaster in 1 decks
1x Sparring Gear in 1 decks
1x Repair Bay in 1 decks
1x I Still Function! in 1 decks
1x Cloud Cover in 1 decks
1x Smelt in 1 decks
1x Drill Arms in 1 decks
1x Die Autobots! in 1 decks
1x Debilitating Crystal in 1 decks
1x Hit and Run in 1 decks
1x Fog of War in 1 decks
1x Bolt of Lightning in 1 decks
1x Heat of Battle in 1 decks
Stratagem Usage
Sideboard Card Usage
Among the top 4
7x End Hostilities
3x Stable Cover
3x Tripwire
3x Espionage
2x Heavy-Handed
2x Bellicosity
1x Motormaster Stunticon Leader
1x Lose the Initiative
1x Disarm
1x The Bigger They Are
1x Ramming Speed
1x Lord Megatron Conqueror of Cybertron
1x Holomatter Projector
1x General Optimus Prime Galactic Commander
1x New Orders
1x Erratic Energy Grenade
1x Reckless Charge
1x Enforcement Batons
1x Brainstorm
Among all players
13x End Hostilities
10x Tripwire
9x Bellicosity
7x Holomatter Projector
6x Trithyllium Plating
6x Disarm
6x Magnetic Dysfunction Ray
5x Espionage
4x Stable Cover
4x Spy Satellite Uplink
3x Emergency Barricade
3x Lose the Initiative
3x Ramming Speed
3x Battlefield Scan
3x Supercharge
3x Fight For Position
3x Power Punch
3x Cornered!
3x Die Autobots!
3x Erratic Energy Grenade
3x Designated Target
3x Hold the Line
3x 300-TT Crusher Claw
3x Surprise Attack
2x What Lies Beyond
2x Heavy-Handed
2x Squish them like Bugs
2x Stasis Field
2x Decipher
2x Enforcement Batons
2x One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
2x Energon Mace
2x Cosmic Rust Cannon
2x Debilitating Crystal
1x Allicon Aronik Killer Croc
1x Motormaster Stunticon Leader
1x Counterespionage
1x Fireflight Sky High Recon
1x The Bigger They Are
1x Insecticon Skrapnel Insecticon Leader
1x Bashing Shield
1x Razor Wings
1x Lord Megatron Conqueror of Cybertron
1x General Optimus Prime Galactic Commander
1x Speed Trap
1x Perceptor Precise Sniper
1x Constructicon Enigma
1x Hardhead Grave Mistakes
1x New Orders
1x Reckless Charge
1x Brainstorm
1x Mounted Missiles
1x Energy Pack
1x Force Field
1x Disassemble
1x Increased Durability
1x Camien Crash
1x Reflect Damage
1x Windcharger Autobot Warrior
1x Force Field
1x Arcee Skilled Fighter
1x System Reboot
1x Crankcase Data Collector
Faction & Traits Usage
Among the top 4
11 characters w/ Decepticon Decepticon
10 characters w/ Melee Melee
6 characters w/ Constructicon Constructicon
4 characters w/ Ranged Ranged
3 characters w/ Beast Beast
2 characters w/ Leader Leader
2 characters w/ Truck Truck
1 characters w/ Car Car
1 characters w/ Titan Master Titan Master
1 characters w/ Quintesson Quintesson
1 characters w/ Allicon Allicon
1 characters w/ Autobot Autobot
Among all players
47 characters w/ Decepticon Decepticon
40 characters w/ Melee Melee
23 characters w/ Ranged Ranged
18 characters w/ Constructicon Constructicon
12 characters w/ Car Car
12 characters w/ Autobot Autobot
9 characters w/ Leader Leader
7 characters w/ Beast Beast
7 characters w/ Titan Master Titan Master
4 characters w/ Truck Truck
4 characters w/ Specialist Specialist
4 characters w/ Insecticon Insecticon
2 characters w/ Plane Plane
2 characters w/ Tank Tank
2 characters w/ Titan Titan
1 characters w/ Motorcycle Motorcycle
1 characters w/ Quintesson Quintesson
1 characters w/ Allicon Allicon
1 characters w/ Mercenary Mercenary
1 characters w/ Train Train
1 characters w/ Spaceship Spaceship
1 characters w/ Dinobot Dinobot
[1st] [1st] Brettroplex
Deck Traits: Autobot Titan Ranged
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 15★ Added by Brettasaurus Modified on Aug 28, '24

Metroplex 25★
Autobot City

The City's Finest Views 0★
General Optimus Prime 15★
Galactic Commander
1 Supercharge
1 Smelt
1 Counterespionage
3 End Hostilities
1 Spy Satellite Uplink
3 Bellicosity
Out of Game
Scamper 4★
City Patrol
Six-Gun 4★
Heavy Weapons Expert
Slammer 4★
Combat Drone
Regular Actions
2 Rapid Conversion
3 Roll Out!
3 Escape Route
3 Fight For Position
3 Hit and Run
Rolling Actions
3 Lie in Wait
3 Take the Shot
3 Backup Beam
3 Handheld Blaster
3 Kinetic Intensifier Whip
1 Paralyzo Box
1 Bashing Shield
3 Improvised Shield
3 Matrix of Leadership
3 Staggering Might
Deck Stats
20 Action cards
  14 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  6 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
  10 weapon cards
  4 armor cards
  6 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
22 icons on 16 cards (40%)
21 icons on 15 cards (38%)
15 icons on 15 cards (38%)
8 icons on 8 cards (20%)
6 icons on 6 cards (15%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 62%
Backup Beam: 25%
Bashing Shield: 9%
Escape Route: 24%
Paralyzo Box: 8%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 9 cards
Wave 1A: 4 cards
Wave 2: 14 cards
Wave 4: 7 cards
Wave 5: 12 cards
Wave 8: 7 cards
Wave 9: 3 cards

Placed 1st in Brutal Beta Bash, played by Brettasaurus.
Placed 1st in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Brettasaurus.
[2nd] Subject 3
Deck Traits: Decepticon Beast Melee Car Ranged Titan Master Quintesson Allicon
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 5★ Added by ALostPenguin Modified on Jul 6, '24

Decepticon Pounce 8★
Nightracer 5★
Vorath 1★
Allicon Aronik 5★
Killer Croc
Crashbash 6★
Ocean Terror

Motormaster 5★
Stunticon Leader
1 Espionage
3 Stable Cover
3 End Hostilities
1 Lose the Initiative
2 Tripwire
Regular Actions
2 Brainstorm
3 Vaporize
3 Spymaster's Ruse
Secret Actions
3 Hidden Fortification
2 Sabotaged Armaments
1 Hold the Line
3 Tetrinite Micro-Lining
2 Turnabout Snare
3 Patrol the Perimeter
2 Energon Axe
1 Scoundrel's Blaster
3 Laser Cutlass
2 Extra Padding
3 Smoke Cloak
3 Kinetic Converter
1 Pocket Processor
3 Point Position
Deck Stats
22 Action cards
  8 Regular Actions
  14 Secret Actions
  0 Rolling Actions
18 upgrade cards
  6 weapon cards
  5 armor cards
  7 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
30 icons on 30 cards (75%)
6 icons on 6 cards (15%)
8 icons on 8 cards (20%)
15 icons on 12 cards (30%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 27%
Scoundrel's Blaster: 7%
Extra Padding: 14%
Pocket Processor: 7%
Hold the Line: 6%
Spymaster's Ruse: 20%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 4 cards
Wave 2: 6 cards
Wave 3: 8 cards
Wave 4: 15 cards
Wave 5: 13 cards
Wave 6: 7 cards
Wave 8: 3 cards

Placed 2nd in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by ALostPenguin.

Notes from ALostPenguin:
"I might be crazy for trying this"
[3rd] Return of the King(s): Second Breakfast Edition
Deck Traits: Decepticon Truck Melee Autobot Leader Ranged
Deck: 42🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 12★ Added by Hawkhammer Modified on Jul 6, '24

Nemesis Prime 12★
Dark Clone
Optimus Prime 13★
Battlefield Legend

Lord Megatron 12★
Conqueror of Cybertron
1 Brainstorm
2 Espionage
2 Heavy-Handed
2 End Hostilities
1 Holomatter Projector
2 Bellicosity
Regular Actions
2 Disarm
2 Leap Into Battle
2 Plasma Burst
2 Tripwire
3 Open Agenda
Secret Actions
2 Sabotaged Armaments
2 Hold the Line
2 Patrol the Perimeter
Rolling Actions
3 Lie in Wait
3 Energon Axe
1 Ion Blaster of Optimus Prime
1 Noble's Blaster
1 Scoundrel's Blaster
3 Sturdy Javelin
3 Handheld Blaster
2 Bashing Shield
1 Sparring Gear
3 Lagartan Spaulders
3 Energy Pack
1 Pocket Processor
Deck Stats
20 Action cards
  11 Regular Actions
  6 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
22 upgrade cards
  12 weapon cards
  6 armor cards
  4 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
6 icons on 6 cards (14%)
34 icons on 28 cards (67%)
5 icons on 5 cards (12%)
11 icons on 11 cards (26%)
2 icons on 2 cards (5%)
2 icons on 2 cards (5%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 22%
Bashing Shield: 11%
Noble's Blaster: 6%
Scoundrel's Blaster: 5%
Sparring Gear: 6%
Pocket Processor: 6%
Hold the Line: 11%
Lagartan Spaulders: 17%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 10 cards
Wave 1E: 3 cards
Wave 2: 9 cards
Wave 3: 3 cards
Wave 4: 7 cards
Wave 5: 10 cards
Wave 6: 3 cards
Wave 8: 8 cards
Wave 9: 2 cards

Placed 3rd in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Hawkhammer.
[4th] Mixmaster's Mega Mix
Deck Traits: Decepticon Constructicon Melee Ranged Leader
Deck: 41🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 15★ Added by Stephen Moss Modified on Jul 6, '24

Bonecrusher 4★
Hook 4★
Surgical Engineer
Longhaul 4★
Mixmaster 4★
Materials Fabrication
Scavenger 4★
Mining and Salvage
Scrapper 5★
Constructicon Foreman

Malevolent Architect 0★
Scrapper, Constructicon Foreman
General Optimus Prime 15★
Galactic Commander
1 Disarm
1 Ramming Speed
1 The Bigger They Are
1 Enforcement Batons
1 Reckless Charge
1 Erratic Energy Grenade
1 New Orders
2 End Hostilities
1 Tripwire
Out of Game
Devastator 25★
Towering Warrior
Regular Actions
1 Brainstorm
1 Disarm
1 Ramming Speed
1 Repair Bay
2 The Bigger They Are
1 Constructicon Enigma
2 Designated Target
2 Head-On Collision
1 New Orders
1 Spymaster's Ruse
1 Tripwire
2 Angolmois Surge
1 Corrupt Construction
1 Hand of Adaptus
2 Bellicosity
Secret Actions
1 Hold the Line
1 Lose the Initiative
1 Turnabout Snare
2 Energon Axe
3 Grenade Launcher
1 Piercing Blaster
3 Erratic Lightning
3 Laser Cutlass
2 Photon Charge
2 Cosmic Rust Cannon
2 Bashing Shield
Deck Stats
23 Action cards
  20 Regular Actions
  3 Secret Actions
  0 Rolling Actions
18 upgrade cards
  16 weapon cards
  2 armor cards
  0 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
13 icons on 13 cards (32%)
12 icons on 12 cards (29%)
6 icons on 6 cards (15%)
8 icons on 8 cards (20%)
13 icons on 10 cards (24%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 28%
Bashing Shield: 12%
Constructicon Enigma: 6%
Hold the Line: 6%
Lose the Initiative: 6%
Spymaster's Ruse: 7%
Corrupt Construction: 6%
Hand of Adaptus: 5%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 15 cards
Wave 2: 7 cards
Wave 2A: 8 cards
Wave 3: 4 cards
Wave 4: 7 cards
Wave 5: 7 cards
Wave 6: 5 cards
Wave 7: 2 cards
Wave 8: 1 cards
Wave 9: 4 cards

Placed 4th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Stephen Moss.
[5th] OI 2
Deck Traits: Autobot Car Specialist Ranged Melee Decepticon
Deck: 46🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 5★ Added by Champion Modified on Jul 6, '24

Prowl 6★
Military Strategist
Cliffjumper 8★
Renegade Warrior
Nightracer 5★
Crasher 5★
Fractious Fanatic

Arcee 5★
Skilled Fighter
1 System Reboot
1 Enforcement Batons
3 Surprise Attack
2 End Hostilities
2 Lose the Initiative
1 Spy Satellite Uplink
Regular Actions
1 Ramming Speed
3 Roll Out!
3 Start Your Engines
3 Supercharge
1 Bolt of Lightning 1★
1 Heat of Battle
3 Fight For Position
3 Head-On Collision
3 Bellicosity
Rolling Actions
3 Take the Shot
3 Flamethrower
3 Grenade Launcher
3 Erratic Lightning
2 Kinetic Intensifier Whip
1 Bashing Shield
1 Holomatter Projector
3 Matrix of Leadership
3 Turbo Boosters
1 Pocket Processor
2 Nitro Booster
Deck Stats
24 Action cards
  21 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
22 upgrade cards
  11 weapon cards
  2 armor cards
  9 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
35 icons on 32 cards (70%)
9 icons on 9 cards (20%)
6 icons on 6 cards (13%)
3 icons on 3 cards (7%)
7 icons on 5 cards (11%)
1 icons on 1 cards (2%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 24%
Bashing Shield: 5%
Pocket Processor: 5%
Holomatter Projector: 5%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 25 cards
Wave 1C: 1 cards
Wave 2: 9 cards
Wave 3: 1 cards
Wave 4: 9 cards
Wave 5: 9 cards
Wave 8: 4 cards
Wave 9: 3 cards

Placed 5th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Champion.
[6th] Two Heads Are Better Than Chrome
Deck Traits: Autobot Car Specialist Titan Master Dinobot Melee Ranged Decepticon Beast
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 7★ Added by Jihen Modified on Jul 6, '24

Chromedome 8★
Computer Programmer
Clobber 4★
Parsec 1★
Crashbash 6★
Ocean Terror
Crasher 5★
Fractious Fanatic

Swap Heads 1★
Titan Master
Windcharger 7★
Autobot Warrior
2 Ramming Speed
1 Mounted Missiles 1★
1 Energy Pack
1 Force Field
1 Increased Durability
1 Camien Crash
1 Disassemble
1 Holomatter Projector
1 Reflect Damage
Regular Actions
3 Start Your Engines
2 Supercharge
1 Espionage
3 Work Overtime
3 Fight For Position
1 Camien Crash
2 Precision Fire
1 This is Bad Comedy
Rolling Actions
3 Take the Shot
3 Flamethrower
3 Grenade Launcher
1 Erratic Lightning
2 Photon Charge
1 Vamparc Ribbon
2 Bashing Shield
2 Force Field
3 Improvised Shield
3 Turbo Boosters
1 Escape Capsule
Deck Stats
19 Action cards
  16 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
21 upgrade cards
  10 weapon cards
  7 armor cards
  4 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
33 icons on 27 cards (68%)
3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
7 icons on 7 cards (18%)
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
9 icons on 9 cards (23%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 32%
Bashing Shield: 13%
Espionage: 7%
Vamparc Ribbon: 6%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 16 cards
Wave 2: 5 cards
Wave 2A: 3 cards
Wave 3: 4 cards
Wave 4: 4 cards
Wave 5: 16 cards
Wave 6: 3 cards
Wave 8: 4 cards
Wave 9: 2 cards

Placed 6th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Jihen.
[7th] Hard shell, harder sting
Deck Traits: Decepticon Melee Beast Titan Leader
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★ Added by Z-R0E Modified on Jul 6, '24

Scorponok 18★
Brutal Warlord
Lord Zarak 7★
Ruler of Nebulos

3 Supercharge
3 Power Punch
3 Fight For Position
1 What Lies Beyond
Regular Actions
1 Espionage
3 Steady Shot
2 Magnetic Dysfunction Ray
3 Master of Metallikato
3 Scouting Mission
Secret Actions
1 Hold the Line
3 Patrol the Perimeter
1 Cloud Cover
Rolling Actions
3 Lie in Wait
3 Handheld Blaster
2 Vamparc Ribbon
3 Imperator Claw
1 Bashing Shield
2 Terrifying Resilience
1 Holomatter Projector
3 Zarak Shield
2 Escape Capsule
3 Electro-Stinger
Deck Stats
20 Action cards
  12 Regular Actions
  5 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
  8 weapon cards
  7 armor cards
  5 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
15 icons on 15 cards (38%)
28 icons on 22 cards (55%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
7 icons on 7 cards (18%)
19 icons on 19 cards (48%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 24%
Bashing Shield: 6%
Espionage: 6%
Hold the Line: 6%
Holomatter Projector: 7%
Cloud Cover: 6%
Vamparc Ribbon: 13%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 3 cards
Wave 2: 5 cards
Wave 3: 3 cards
Wave 4: 5 cards
Wave 5: 15 cards
Wave 6: 1 cards
Wave 8: 6 cards
Wave 9: 3 cards
Wave 9A: 11 cards

Placed 7th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Z-R0E.
[8th] As Above, So Below
Deck Traits: Decepticon Plane Ranged Tank Titan Master Beast Melee
Deck: 40🂠 27★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 7★ Added by EvilGem096 Modified on Jul 6, '24

Sky Shadow (Plane) 7★
Sky Shadow (Tank) 7★
Vorath 1★
Crashbash 6★
Ocean Terror

Summon Sky Shadow! 3★
Sky Shadow
Villainous Spotlight 1★
Crankcase 7★
Data Collector
2 One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
2 Espionage
2 Battlefield Scan
2 Erratic Energy Grenade
2 Squish them like Bugs
Out of Game
Ominus 3★
Sky Shadow 14★
Elite Warrior
Regular Actions
3 Incoming Transmission
2 Supercharge
3 Steamroll
2 Work Overtime
1 Reprocess
3 Camien Crash
2 Magnetic Dysfunction Ray
2 Precision Fire
Secret Actions
2 Even The Score 1★
3 Grenade Launcher
3 Power Punch
3 Sturdy Javelin
2 Paralyzo Box
3 Improvised Shield
1 Bashing Shield
3 Untiring Parma Shield
2 Escape Capsule
Deck Stats
20 Action cards
  18 Regular Actions
  2 Secret Actions
  0 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
  11 weapon cards
  7 armor cards
  2 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
31 icons on 26 cards (65%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
7 icons on 7 cards (18%)
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
9 icons on 9 cards (23%)
3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 31%
Bashing Shield: 6%
Reprocess: 7%
Paralyzo Box: 12%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 13 cards
Wave 2: 9 cards
Wave 2A: 2 cards
Wave 3: 6 cards
Wave 4: 6 cards
Wave 5: 18 cards
Wave 6: 1 cards
Wave 8: 3 cards
Wave 0: 1 cards

Placed 8th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by EvilGem096.
[9th] OI2 Unbeatable
Deck Traits: Autobot Leader Truck Melee Ranged Decepticon Car Motorcycle Specialist
Deck: 40🂠 27★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 5★ Added by KingNaga Modified on Jul 6, '24

Optimus Prime 13★
Battlefield Legend
Nightracer 5★
Flamewar 5★
Veteran Decepticon

Stealth Mission 1★
Nightracer, Gunner
Made of Sterner Stuff 1★
Optimus Prime, Battlefield Legend
Allicon Aronik 5★
Killer Croc
1 Stable Cover
2 End Hostilities
1 Holomatter Projector
1 Spy Satellite Uplink
1 Tripwire
1 Bellicosity
3 Trithyllium Plating
Regular Actions
2 Disarm
1 One Shall Stand, One Shall Fall
3 The Bigger They Are
1 Espionage
1 Marksmanship
1 Surprise Attack
1 Vaporize
1 Tripwire
Secret Actions
2 Heroic Resolve 1★
2 Sabotaged Armaments
1 Hold the Line
2 Tetrinite Micro-Lining
1 Patrol the Perimeter
Rolling Actions
3 Lie in Wait
3 Armed Hovercraft
3 Energon Axe
1 Piercing Blaster
2 Sturdy Javelin
1 Bashing Shield
1 Reflex Circuits
3 Smoke Cloak
3 Matrix of Leadership
1 Pocket Processor
Deck Stats
22 Action cards
  11 Regular Actions
  8 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
18 upgrade cards
  9 weapon cards
  5 armor cards
  4 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
36 icons on 31 cards (78%)
6 icons on 6 cards (15%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
1 icons on 1 cards (3%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 27%
Bashing Shield: 7%
Espionage: 6%
Reflex Circuits: 7%
Pocket Processor: 6%
Hold the Line: 6%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 17 cards
Wave 1E: 1 cards
Wave 2: 5 cards
Wave 3: 4 cards
Wave 4: 8 cards
Wave 5: 9 cards
Wave 6: 3 cards
Wave 8: 4 cards
Wave 9: 5 cards

Placed 9th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by KingNaga.

Notes from KingNaga:
"For Wes"
[10th] Vangelus OI 2024
Deck Traits: Autobot Car Specialist Decepticon Titan Master Melee Leader Train Spaceship Ranged
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 8★ Added by Vangelus Modified on Jul 6, '24

Chromedome 8★
Computer Programmer
Ominus 3★
Autobot Infinitus 2★
Sentinel Prime 12★
Legacy of the Primes

Perceptor 8★
Precise Sniper
3 Disarm
1 Holomatter Projector
1 Speed Trap
3 Tripwire
2 Stasis Field
Regular Actions
1 Espionage
1 Smelt
3 Showing Off
1 Scouting Mission
1 Spymaster's Ruse
3 Scan the Vaults
Secret Actions
2 Sabotaged Armaments
2 Stable Cover
3 End Hostilities
2 Stim Shock
2 Tetrinite Micro-Lining
3 Grenade Launcher
1 Enforcement Batons
2 Sturdy Javelin
3 Cosmic Rust Cannon
1 Vamparc Ribbon
2 Force Field
1 Bashing Shield
2 Emergency Repair Patch
3 Matrix of Leadership
1 Escape Capsule
Deck Stats
21 Action cards
  10 Regular Actions
  11 Secret Actions
  0 Rolling Actions
19 upgrade cards
  10 weapon cards
  5 armor cards
  4 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
10 icons on 10 cards (25%)
19 icons on 19 cards (48%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
9 icons on 9 cards (23%)
9 icons on 8 cards (20%)
3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 24%
Bashing Shield: 6%
Enforcement Batons: 6%
Espionage: 6%
Smelt: 6%
Spymaster's Ruse: 6%
Scan the Vaults: 18%
Vamparc Ribbon: 6%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 11 cards
Wave 2: 4 cards
Wave 4: 9 cards
Wave 5: 16 cards
Wave 6: 4 cards
Wave 8: 2 cards
Wave 9: 9 cards

Placed 10th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Vangelus.
[11th] Meta?
Deck Traits: Decepticon Constructicon Melee Ranged Leader
Deck: 41🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 11★ Added by Siliag Modified on Jul 6, '24

Bonecrusher 4★
Hook 4★
Surgical Engineer
Longhaul 4★
Mixmaster 4★
Materials Fabrication
Scavenger 4★
Mining and Salvage
Scrapper 5★
Constructicon Foreman

Malevolent Architect 0★
Scrapper, Constructicon Foreman
Hardhead 11★
Grave Mistakes
1 Cornered!
1 Constructicon Enigma
2 Decipher
3 Magnetic Dysfunction Ray
3 Die Autobots!
Out of Game
Devastator 25★
Towering Warrior
Regular Actions
2 Constructicon Enigma
2 Frag Toss
3 Fight For Position
3 New Orders
3 Camien Crash
3 Tripwire
3 Corrupt Construction
2 This is Bad Comedy
3 Grenade Launcher
2 Combat Dagger
2 Photon Charge
3 Sidecar Artillery
3 Razor Wings
3 Mecha Star
2 Bashing Shield
2 Rage
Deck Stats
21 Action cards
  21 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  0 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
  16 weapon cards
  2 armor cards
  2 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
15 icons on 15 cards (37%)
3 icons on 3 cards (7%)
7 icons on 7 cards (17%)
7 icons on 7 cards (17%)
22 icons on 22 cards (54%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 32%
Bashing Shield: 13%
Constructicon Enigma: 12%
Corrupt Construction: 19%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 3 cards
Wave 2: 3 cards
Wave 2A: 10 cards
Wave 3: 4 cards
Wave 4: 8 cards
Wave 5: 9 cards
Wave 6: 5 cards
Wave 7: 10 cards
Wave 8: 3 cards
Wave 9: 5 cards

Placed 11th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Siliag.
[12th] Why Am I Hitting Myself?
Deck Traits: Decepticon Mercenary Car Melee Autobot Tank Truck Ranged
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 5★ Added by NanoT3ch Modified on Jul 6, '24

Decepticon Exhaust 8★
Consumptive Condottiere
Megatron/Ratchet 10★
Twisted Amalgamation
Crasher 5★
Fractious Fanatic

Brutal Conditioning 2★
Melee Characters
Fireflight 5★
Sky High Recon
1 Counterespionage
3 Emergency Barricade
2 Holomatter Projector
1 What Lies Beyond
3 Bellicosity
Regular Actions
2 Escape Route
3 Opportune Offensive
3 Opportune Repairs
2 Reprocess
2 Scouting Mission
3 Angolmois Surge
2 Fearless
Secret Actions
2 Hold the Line
2 Whipped Into Shape
3 Grenade Launcher
2 Razor Wings
2 Vamparc Ribbon
1 Bashing Shield
2 Increased Durability
3 Turbo Boosters
1 Toolbox
3 Polydermal Graft
2 Rage
Deck Stats
21 Action cards
  17 Regular Actions
  4 Secret Actions
  0 Rolling Actions
19 upgrade cards
  7 weapon cards
  3 armor cards
  9 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
21 icons on 21 cards (53%)
10 icons on 10 cards (25%)
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
10 icons on 10 cards (25%)
10 icons on 10 cards (25%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 19%
Bashing Shield: 6%
Escape Route: 12%
Reprocess: 11%
Toolbox: 6%
Hold the Line: 10%
Vamparc Ribbon: 12%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 6 cards
Wave 2: 4 cards
Wave 4: 11 cards
Wave 5: 10 cards
Wave 6: 11 cards
Wave 7: 5 cards
Wave 8: 3 cards
Wave 9: 5 cards

Placed 12th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by NanoT3ch.
[13th] We built this City...
Deck Traits: Autobot Titan Ranged
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★ Added by Ozzy Modified on Jul 6, '24

Metroplex 25★
Autobot City

The City's Finest Views 0★
2 Debilitating Crystal
2 Disarm
1 Force Field
1 Cornered!
1 Spy Satellite Uplink
3 300-TT Crusher Claw
Out of Game
Scamper 4★
City Patrol
Six-Gun 4★
Heavy Weapons Expert
Slammer 4★
Combat Drone
Regular Actions
1 Ramming Speed
3 Roll Out!
3 Height Advantage
3 Escape Route
1 Fog of War
3 Fight For Position
1 Hit and Run
Rolling Actions
2 Lie in Wait
3 Take the Shot
1 Grenade Launcher
3 Backup Beam
2 Handheld Blaster
3 Kinetic Intensifier Whip
1 Sturdy Javelin
1 Paralyzo Box
1 Bashing Shield
3 Improvised Shield
1 Debilitating Crystal
2 Matrix of Leadership
2 Staggering Might
Deck Stats
20 Action cards
  15 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  5 Rolling Actions
20 upgrade cards
  11 weapon cards
  4 armor cards
  5 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
23 icons on 17 cards (43%)
19 icons on 15 cards (38%)
13 icons on 13 cards (33%)
8 icons on 8 cards (20%)
4 icons on 4 cards (10%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 54%
Backup Beam: 23%
Bashing Shield: 8%
Escape Route: 23%
Paralyzo Box: 8%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 13 cards
Wave 1A: 7 cards
Wave 2: 14 cards
Wave 4: 7 cards
Wave 5: 5 cards
Wave 8: 6 cards
Wave 9: 3 cards

Placed 13th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Ozzy.
[14th] Here I go again
Deck Traits: Decepticon Insecticon Melee Ranged
Deck: 40🂠 27★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 7★ Added by Wheeljank Modified on Jul 6, '24

Barrage 7★
Merciless Insecticon
Chop Shop 6★
Sneaky Insecticon
Kickback 5★
Cunning Insecticon
Ransack 6★
Insecticon Commando

Villainous Spotlight 1★
Insecticon Skrapnel 7★
Insecticon Leader
1 Bashing Shield
1 Cornered!
1 Battlefield Scan
3 Magnetic Dysfunction Ray
1 Razor Wings
3 Bellicosity
Regular Actions
1 I Still Function!
1 Ramming Speed
3 Supercharge
3 Swarm!
2 Reckless Charge
3 Fight For Position
2 Wedge Formation
1 This is Bad Comedy
Rolling Actions
3 Take the Shot
3 Grenade Launcher
2 Static Laser of Ironhide
1 Backup Beam
1 Enforcement Batons
2 Mounted Missiles 1★
3 Power Punch
1 Force Field
1 Bashing Shield
3 Improvised Shield
2 Polydermal Graft
2 Rage
Deck Stats
19 Action cards
  16 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
21 upgrade cards
  12 weapon cards
  5 armor cards
  4 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
44 icons on 36 cards (90%)
1 icons on 1 cards (3%)
2 icons on 2 cards (5%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
5 icons on 5 cards (13%)
1 icons on 1 cards (3%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 10%
Backup Beam: 6%
Bashing Shield: 5%
Enforcement Batons: 6%
Wedge Formation: 11%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 19 cards
Wave 2: 12 cards
Wave 3: 1 cards
Wave 4: 5 cards
Wave 5: 7 cards
Wave 6: 2 cards
Wave 7: 2 cards
Wave 8: 4 cards
Wave 9: 4 cards

Placed 14th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Wheeljank.
[15th] Protect the Machinary
Deck Traits: Decepticon Constructicon Melee Ranged Leader
Deck: 45🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★ Added by sandman Modified on Jul 6, '24

Bonecrusher 4★
Hook 4★
Surgical Engineer
Longhaul 4★
Mixmaster 4★
Materials Fabrication
Scavenger 4★
Mining and Salvage
Scrapper 5★
Constructicon Foreman

Malevolent Architect 0★
Scrapper, Constructicon Foreman
3 Designated Target
2 Energon Mace
3 Hold the Line
2 Cosmic Rust Cannon
Out of Game
Devastator 25★
Towering Warrior
Regular Actions
2 Brainstorm
2 Disarm
2 Constructicon Enigma
3 New Orders
3 Tripwire
3 Angolmois Surge
2 Corrupt Construction
1 Die Autobots!
3 Fearless
Rolling Actions
3 Lie in Wait
1 Drill Arms
3 Energon Axe
3 Handheld Blaster
2 Scoundrel's Blaster
3 Laser Cutlass
3 Sturdy Javelin
2 Enhanced Cyber Blade
3 Extra Padding
1 Toolbox
Deck Stats
24 Action cards
  21 Regular Actions
  0 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
21 upgrade cards
  17 weapon cards
  3 armor cards
  1 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
40 icons on 34 cards (76%)
3 icons on 3 cards (7%)
10 icons on 10 cards (22%)
5 icons on 5 cards (11%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 13%
Scoundrel's Blaster: 10%
Constructicon Enigma: 11%
Extra Padding: 16%
Toolbox: 5%
Corrupt Construction: 10%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 11 cards
Wave 2: 2 cards
Wave 2A: 9 cards
Wave 3: 6 cards
Wave 4: 10 cards
Wave 5: 8 cards
Wave 6: 3 cards
Wave 7: 7 cards
Wave 8: 3 cards
Wave 9: 4 cards

Placed 15th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by sandman.
[16th] It's "Grenahday Launcher"
Deck Traits: Decepticon Leader Plane Ranged Car Titan Master Beast Melee
Deck: 40🂠 25★ | Sideboard: 10🂠 0★ Added by Spacewarp603 Modified on Jul 6, '24

Starscream 13★
Decepticon King
Nightracer 5★
Vorath 1★
Crashbash 6★
Ocean Terror

2 End Hostilities
1 Holomatter Projector
1 Spy Satellite Uplink
3 Tripwire
3 Trithyllium Plating
Regular Actions
3 Leap Into Battle
3 System Reboot
3 Vaporize
3 Scouting Mission
Secret Actions
3 Tetrinite Micro-Lining
Rolling Actions
3 Lie in Wait
2 Energon Axe
3 Handheld Blaster
3 Mining Pick
2 Trithyllium Drill
3 Extra Padding
2 Starscream's Cape
3 Decepticon Crown
3 Security Console
1 Pocket Processor
Deck Stats
18 Action cards
  12 Regular Actions
  3 Secret Actions
  3 Rolling Actions
22 upgrade cards
  10 weapon cards
  5 armor cards
  7 utility cards

Battle Icons in Deck
3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
31 icons on 25 cards (63%)
11 icons on 11 cards (28%)
9 icons on 9 cards (23%)
3 icons on 3 cards (8%)
0 icons on 0 cards (0%)
Battle Simulator
Set Tough/Bold:
Likelihood of Flipping
+2 Bonus Flip: 47%
Decepticon Crown: 22%
Extra Padding: 23%
Pocket Processor: 7%
Starscream's Cape: 15%
Sets Used In Deck
Wave 1: 11 cards
Wave 2: 13 cards
Wave 3: 3 cards
Wave 4: 1 cards
Wave 5: 12 cards
Wave 6: 4 cards
Wave 7: 2 cards
Wave 8: 3 cards
Wave 9: 5 cards

Placed 16th in Season 2: Omega Invitational, played by Spacewarp603.