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Which promo cards are permitted in Constructed tournaments?

P1: Bumblebee - Electrum Warrior
P2: Omega Supreme - Autobot Defense Base
P3: Private Smashdown
P4: Flamewar - Veteran Decepticon (Gold Foil Variant)
P5: Bumblebee - Trusted Lieutenant (Gold Foil Variant)
P6: Private Red Alert - Medic (Gold Foil Variant)
P7: Nightbird - Enigmatic Agent
P8: Raider Runamuck - Infantry Soldier (Gold Foil Variant)
P9: Raider Runabout - Infantry Soldier (Gold Foil Variant)
P10: Raider Road Hugger - Infantry Tactics (Gold Foil Variant)
P11: All-Out Attack (Energon Edition Foil Variant)
P12: Tandem Targeting System (Energon Edition Foil Variant)
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2019-11-21)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Tournaments