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My question is about the interaction of Debilitating Crystal and the new Expanded Rules document. If my attacker has a Debilitating Crystal, and the Defender has a Gyro Blaster I wish to return, I believe the Gyro Blaster would still limit each character to 2 flips this battle. Is this correct? I know a previous Rules Roundup clarified that a Security Console would still Draw and Plan even if a Debilitating Crystal returned it. Is this also the case with a Sparring Gear I wish to return? Do they still have Tough 2 this battle?

Expanded Rules point 8.5 indicates the Gyro Blaster is returned before flips are determined, so it will not affect them. Likewise, Sparring Gear will no longer grant Tough 2 when flips are determined.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2019-11-22)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Debilitating Crystal, W-5 Gyro Blaster