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How does Protected by Metroplex function in situations where damage is being dealt to multiple bots simultaneously? Let's say I have Metroplex and Slammer out, both are at 1 HP, and Slammer is equipped with Protected by Metroplex. It's the opponents turn and he plays Strafing Run as his action before combat, which deals 1 damage to both Metroplex and Slammer simultaneously. Is the 1 damage to Slammer moved over to Metroplex before he *dies* from the 1 damage he is already receiving?

All damage done by Strafing Run will be done simultaneously, no matter where that damage ends up. Metroplex would end up taking 2 damage and then be KOd in this scenario. Slammer would live on, driven by vengeance.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2019-02-28)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Protected By Metroplex