Repair 3 damage from one of your other characters." Does "one of your other characters" mean other than Prowl or other than the Car that was KO’d? It means other than Prowl. Prowl can’t repair himself." /> Repair 3 damage from one of your other characters." Does "one of your other characters" mean other than Prowl or other than the Car that was KO’d? It means other than Prowl. Prowl can’t repair himself." />
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Prowl’s ability says "When one of your Cars is KO’d -> Repair 3 damage from one of your other
characters." Does "one of your other characters" mean other than Prowl or other than the Car that was

It means other than Prowl. Prowl can’t repair himself.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2018-10-11)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Prowl, Military Strategist