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I go first and during my first turn I manage to play Peace Through Tyranny (PTT. {I'm sparing the details on how this can be pulled off, but I can go into details if you need me to}), killing off one of my character to grant me an extra turn. Normally on turn 1, that player cannot play a card from their hand and on turn two, the other player gets to play either an Action or an Upgrade. But since I get an extra turn and I am not the other player, on the PTT granted turn (technically the game's and my 2nd turn), do I get to play an Action and Upgrade seeing I'm no longer on my 'first' turn?

During turn 1, that player cant play any cards. During turn 2, the player can play 1 card. From turn 3 onwards, each player can play up to one Action and up to one Upgrade.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2019-09-20)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Peace through Tyranny