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Mode: Upgrade Rulings
Can I have more than one of the same Upgrade on the battlefield?

Yes. Upgrades aren’t unique. You could have two characters each with the same Weapon, for
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2018-10-11)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Upgrade
Some Upgrades say "Put on [something] only." How does that work?

These abilities describe what kind of character the Upgrade can be put on. This is usually a trait such
as Melee, Plane, or Insecticon. An Upgrade can be put on a character only if that character matches the
listed requirement.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2018-10-11)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Upgrade
Let’s say I have an Upgrade that says "Put on Planes only" and I put it on a Plane. But then next turn I
flip the Plane to its other mode, and it’s no longer a Plane. What happens?

The Upgrade stays with the character it’s on. That ability limits only what the Upgrade can initially be
put on. Once that happens, the Upgrade doesn’t check again.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2018-10-11)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Upgrade
Apologies if this has been asked before but have a question about type-specific upgrades like Power Sword and Body Armor - These cards specifically requiring Melee characters.
If a character changes type - what happens to the upgrade?

Traits, like Melee, are only requirements for upgrades to be attached to a character. Once attached, they stay on when a character flips between alt and bot modes.
Source: Wizards of the Coast (2019-09-06)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Upgrade