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Just like characters with stations already on them, a character cannot take the Junkion Saddle station on another character that has been upgraded with Custom Junkion Saddle unless the upgraded character is tapped. You can tap the Custom Junkion Saddle when the character upgraded with it is tapped to help you remember.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Custom Junkion Saddle
Combat Deck enters play “tapped” in landscape orientation. This means its stations are immediately available for play.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Combat Deck
Just like characters with stations already on them, a character cannot take the Observation Deck station on a Titan with that station unless the Titan is tapped. You can tap The City’s Finest Views when the Titan is tapped to help you remember.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: The City's Finest Views
This Shall Be Your Ship enters play untapped. When the conditions of its “quest” are fulfilled and it flips to its other side, it becomes “tapped” in landscape orientation. Once flipped, its stations are immediately available for play.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: This Shall Be Your Ship
What is Bandit?

Bandit is a keyword ability introduced in Wave 8. Blue battle icons flipped by defending characters with Bandit have no effect.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Bandit
What is Drifter?

Drifter is a keyword ability introduced in Wave 8. Orange battle icons flipped by attacking characters with Drifter have no effect.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Drifter
What is Oppress?

Oppress is a keyword ability introduced in Wave 8. While the character with Oppress is battling, ALL characters Bold and Tough totals are reduced by the Oppress value. Unless introduced within a battle, this effect is turned on instantaneously when the character is chosen to attack or defend, and remains in play until the Post-Attack subphase begins.
Source: Aequitas (2021-07-08)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Oppress