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What happens at the start of my turn if I have three or less cards in my deck and Fangry is in bot mode?

Similar to Treasure Hunt, scrap the cards you have remaining according to instructions, shuffle all the other cards in your Scrap Pile (not including the ones you just scrapped) into your deck, then scrap any remaining cards from your deck, for a total of three.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Fangry, Cursed Nightmare
What happens to Stim Shock when the Bold has been reduced to zero, for example by Oppress?

If Stim Shock is revealed and an enemy character has had its Bold reduced to 0, it still has Bold. Stim Shock will still do 1 damage to it.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Stim Shock
Are the cards put under Gnaw face-up or face-down?

Cards are put under a character face-up unless otherwise specified. If cards are put under a character face-down (such as with Skytread, Sky-Byte, or Perceptor), they are put in a random order so that players do not know which card is which. Once a face-down card is put under a character, players are not permitted to look at them.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Sharkticon Gnaw, Gluttonous Gourmand
When a character defends equipped with the Crossguard 2X, how much is pierce reduced by? For example's sake, let's say the character has 3 base defense.

Crossguard looks at the defender's total defense after the attacker flips (i.e. before the defender flips battle cards). So a base defense of 3, plus the +2 from Crossguard, means that it reduces Pierce by 5, assuming no other effects.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Decepticon Doublecrosser, Shield Brothers
So, I have This Shall Be Your Ship and have triggered all but “one of your Leaders was KO’d by damage”. I’m down to my last character, who is my only Leader, and he’s KO’d in combat. I assume the game ends and the Strat never flips to bring them back on 3 health?

Yes, the game ends.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: This Shall Be Your Ship
Unicron Raid Question: when the Unicron player shuffles in the phase 2 or 3 battle cards, does that trigger captain omega's combine?

It does not.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Unicron, Chaos Bringer
If I play a Reflect Damage and then ping someone for a point of damage and they reveal Reflect Damage, can I then reveal my Reflect Damage to reflect it back?

Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Reflect Damage
Question regarding Treadbolt. When he shoots for each card under him, is it all one big instance of direct damage, or several groups of 2?

One big instance of direct damage.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Tread Bolt, Devil of the Deep Blue Sky
Regarding the Stratagem 'Stuck On You'. If I had a normal character and a Titan Master with a Head does that count as two characters or three?

Three characters. Heads are separate characters from their bodies for deck construction, which is what Stuck On You checks. This includes Mind Control Collar and Mind Control Helmet, which are both characters.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Stuck On You
Can you put Matrix of Leadership on Wreck-Gar?

Yes, you can put Matrix on either Wave 8 or Wave 9 Wreck-Gars as they are each both Autobot and Junkion. As with the Noble Blaster, an upgrade saying "Put on Autobots only" does not care if the character has other factions, just that it is an Autobot.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Wreck-Gar, The Big Cheese! Now With More Cheese!
With Junkion Nancy's station ability, if I focus and then scrap a card, is that +2 defence?

No. Focus includes the act of scrapping, so Nancy only provides +1 defence to the stationed character.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Junkion Nancy, Just Say No to Sparkplugs!
Is Junkion Nancy's station ability affected by Aerial Recon?

Yes, but only as long as you decide to scrap the card that Aerial Recon reveals.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Junkion Nancy, Just Say No to Sparkplugs!
If my character stationed on Junkion Nancy has Focus 3, do I get +3 defence?

No. Focus stacks into a single event, so on defending, a character with Focus 3 would use Focus only once per each defence.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Junkion Nancy, Just Say No to Sparkplugs!
In a station block, what does the column under a station symbol mean?

The column under the station symbol first identifies the station condition in the first box, and then any station bonuses. The condition is the requirements for a character to be able to take that station. Typically, it is a number and the phrase Bot. The number, if present, identifies that a character trying to take that station must have a star cost less than or equal to that number. Bot indicates that the character must be in Bot mode. The rest of the column provides any station bonuses that apply to a character when they have taken this station.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Station
When can you take a station?

You can take a station when a character is attacking or defending, the station is tapped, and the character meets the stations conditions.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Station
What happens when you untap a station?

If any characters are in the station, then they leave the station.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Station
What happens when you flip a station?

If any characters are in the station, then they leave the station.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Station
If a character with a station is KO'd while another character is in that station, does the character in the station leave the station?

Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Station
If Pop a Wheelie is played when I have only one character to attack with, and we will untap all characters at the end of turn; can I make an attack after the characters untap before my turn ends?

No. Section 1.4.5 of Post-Attack is when the game identifies that all characters are tapped, and are then untapped. The game then immediately proceeds to section 5, Ending the Turn, and there is no opportunity to enter the Attack phase of the game again.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Pop a Wheelie
If you play Private Hot Rod, Decepticon Exhaust, and Out of the Way Hot Rod! and then play Angolmois Surge on Private Hot Rod, can you have Decepticon Exhaust take the 1 point of damage from Angolmois Surge? If so, is this intended?

Yes you can. The strategem only states 'non-attack damage'. However, this is likely to be changed in an errata to only cover "non-attack damage from an opponent's card".
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Out of the Way Hot Rod!
Can I have a character with Horde on my starting team, and one of the Horde-copies in my sideboard?

No. Horde only applies to your starting team.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Horde
Can you have a Doublecrosser in your starting team and a Four The Selectors! and Doublecrosser in your sideboard?

No. The Four The Selectors! stratagem is not in your starting team, therefore Doublecross does not have Horde. However, even if Doublecross did have Horde, Horde only applies to the starting team.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Decepticon Doublecrosser, Shield Brothers
If a character dies mid-attack whether it be to Electrified Spikes or something else, can either player still swap for green icons?

As long as cards were flipped during battle, you can swap cards for green battle icon cards. If a character dies before battle cards are flipped, then you would not be able to swap for green battle icon cards.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Battle Icons
During sideboarding, if I want to swap a character for a stratagem, when does that happen?

When you change your characters. You present your starting team (including stratagems) before swapping battle cards.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Sideboarding
I have Major Ultra Magnus on the field with the stratagems Stuck On You (allowing 2 armor slots as I have started with only 2 characters), Impervious (Ultra Magnus stratagem), and I have ultra Magnus armor and a Reflex Circuits on my Ultra Magnus. My opponent plays Vandalize and calls the Armor type. What happens?

Each armor on Ultra Magnus triggers Impervious, allowing you to instead scrap an armor from your hand. To keep both armors, you would need to scrap two armors.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Stuck On You
Greasestain is tapped in alt mode, and Rum-Maj is in bot mode with Sidecar Artillery in her weapon slot. I attack with Rum-Maj, adding her to Greasestain's station. Does the Sidecar Artillery trigger?

No. The attack order with stations is to declare attacker, declare defender, take attacker station, take defender station, and only then to do attack triggers. Greasestain's station has increased Rum-Maj's attack to 4, missing the Sidecar Artillery trigger.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Greasestain, No Muss! No Fuss!
When can I stop an attacking character's ability from triggering by removing a necessary flipped battle card?

When the ability reads similar to "When this attacks and flips [Card-Condition]", removing the right card would permit you to block the attackers ability. That is because this language reviews the cards flipped after they have all been flipped, including the two extra for a white icon. For example Metroplex's bot mode ability. However when it reads "When you flip [Single-Card-Condition] while this is attacking", the ability would trigger before you had the opportunity to remove the card. This is because this language triggers on a single card flip event. An example is Starscream - Decepticon King flipping a Decepticon Crown.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Junkheap, Wrecked to Ruin! Keeps on Doin'!
Junkheap's bot mode says "When this defends and your opponent flips battle cards", allowing its owner to scrap one of the battle cards flipped. What if the attacker attacks with Anticipation Engine and plays Swarm! from the top of their deck; can the defending Junkheap player scrap one of those cards?

Yes, they can choose to scrap one of the flipped Swarm! cards because it is happening within the battle while Junkheap is defending.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Junkheap, Wrecked to Ruin! Keeps on Doin'!
What if I only have 1 Upgrade to reveal?

Then you cannot use this ability, you need a minimum of 2 Upgrades.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: It's As Good As Used!
What if I reveal Turbo Boosters and Grenade Launcher, and my only car is in bot mode. Can my opponent choose the Turbo Boosters?

Yes. Your quite please opponent may choose Turbo Boosters, which can't play and remains in your hand.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: It's As Good As Used!
Dual Smokestacks says that my opponent chooses to "Do 1 damage to each enemy" or "Do 2 damage to an enemy of your choice". The enemy of my enemy is myself, so does this mean that Dual Smokestacks does damage to my characters?

No. Your opponent is choosing which operation you will perform. Your opponent's characters will be the ones that have damage done to them.
Source: Aequitas (2022-09-15)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Dual Smokestacks
How does Stuck on you and I've got your back stratagems work with Heads and Bodies?

At the start of the game head and body characters are presented as two separate characters. This means "Stuck on you" and "I've got your back" won't be active if you have a head + body character and another character on your starting team.
Source: KingNaga (2023-06-18)    【Link to Ruling】
Tags: Stuck On You, I've Got Your Back, Start of Game