You can manage & track your card collection and decks once you create an account and login.
You can’t have more than one of the same character card on your team, but you can have more than one of the same character if they’re on different cards. For example, your team can’t have two copies Bumblebee, Brave Warrior, but it could have one Bumblebee, Brave Warrior and one Bumblebee, Courageous Scout.
Yes. All characters in the game can work together under your leadership.
No, you may only play Actions if you have an Action play which is generally during your turn before you attack. You can have as many battle cards as you want over 40 as long as you can reasonably manage them.
Immediately when there are no cards in your deck.
You can only play three cards with the same name in your battle deck, so the Wave 1 and 2 cards are interchangeable in that respect.
There is currently no maximum number of cards allowed in your Battle Deck.
In order to play the second Drill Arms, you first scrap the one thats already in play. This immediately becomes the only card in your deck, so when you use the ability of the new Drill Arms, thats the card youll draw.
You shuffle as soon as your deck is empty.
No. You may see the face-down sides of your opponent's character cards at any time, but please ask respectfully.
If your deck and scrap pile are empty, you don't flip any cards and the game proceeds.