Energized Fields ability would trigger before damage is dealt, KOing Player As last character and winning the game for Player B.
No. Volcanicus cant exist outside of the game because he needs to be combined inside the game, so Grimlock cannot recruit him into the game.
Menasor is not a truck or a car, so Team-Up Tactics would have no effect on him.
For Salvage for Parts, youre doing all of the repairing, so Ratchets ability will trigger that many times. In this scenario, that would give Ratchet +4 Attack.
No, you cannot play it on your opponents turn. If you play the top card of your deck, you use your normal action or upgrade for the turn. Major Shockwave just gives you access to one more card while doing so.
In this scenario, the attack ends and you do not flip for defense.
No. You may only flip characters in the KO area using your normal once-per-turn flip.
After each attack concludes, the game checks to see if the opponent has any untapped characters. In this scenario, Slammer is there, so the Stunticon player does not get to keep attacking.
No, a Tap ability is something you use on your turn, not whenever the character becomes tapped. If you play EMP Wave on your turn, all characters will be tapped. Your turn continues, and you can play an upgrade, flip a character, etc. At the end of your turn, all characters will untap, and your opponents turn will begin.
In this scenario, you may look at the next card in the deck before you put a card on the top of your deck.