As long as that character is untapped, sure. (The basic rules used with the Autobot Starter Set say that a character can’t attack twice in a row, but that rule isn’t part of the Advanced Rules.)
Thrusts ability only triggers at the time of attack and does not check again. Silverbolt is not adding his attack, he is using his attack to determine the damage at the last point after hes flipped and just before damage is dealt.
Nope. Thatd be a garden variety KO.
Any ability that just says When this attacks and doesnt look at what you flipped happens before you flip battle cards.
Energized Fields ability would trigger before damage is dealt, KOing Player As last character and winning the game for Player B.
After each attack concludes, the game checks to see if the opponent has any untapped characters. In this scenario, Slammer is there, so the Stunticon player does not get to keep attacking.
You can use Quartermaster to attach a KOd Battle Master to OPBL. If OPBLs ability results in a weapon being attached to him (for example via Quartermaster), the attack bonus of that weapon will apply because you havent counted attack yet. However, if the weapon gives the character bold, bold will have no affect because youve already flipped battle cards.
You declare that Ironhide is attacking and what Ironhide is attacking. This causes his ability to trigger. If you swap weapons, you do so before Battle Cards are flipped and before damage is done. This means that the attack value of the original weapon wont apply, but the new weapon will. However, if the original weapon also has a triggered ability that triggers when Ironhide attacks, that ability will still work, even if that weapon is swapped before you handle that ability.
Your opponent has already chosen who they are attacking, so the attack would end because there is no longer a defender.
Correct. If you have another untapped motorcycle on your team, you can attack again. However, note that the first attacker does not have to be a motorcycle.
No, Metroplex does not flip battle cards in this scenario.
Changing the tapped/untapped status of a character does not affect whether it is attacking or not. At the end of that attack, if your opponent has any untapped characters, your turn ends. Otherwise, continue attacking with any of your untapped characters.
When Specialist Flamewar attacks, the abilities of Anticipation Engine, Metal Detector, and Decepticon Crown will all trigger. As the attacking player, you will resolve all of those abilities in the order of your choosing, one at a time. Then you will use your Focus ability. Then, you will flip battle cards, including an extra from General Optimus Bold 1.