No, W-5 Gyro Blasters ability only triggers if its attached when the character attacks or defends.
The damage and upgrades are moved at the same time. Bumpers effect wont stop the damage counters from being moved.
If you cant legally choose another Decepticon as the attacker, and the same character as the defender, you dont get the extra attack. In other words, you cant just ignore Brave or other rules.
Yes. If you have no characters in KO or the characters in your KO area have too many stars, you can use Involuntary Promotion to KO one of your characters.
No part of Involuntary Promotion is a triggered ability. The instructions are all followed in order and the damage counters and upgrades are moved at the same time.
Crash Landing will do damage based on whatever the planes attack was when it was last on the battlefield. Bonuses like Tailwinds will still apply because the plane is KOd during the battle.
No. Any action you play from your opponent’s scrap pile goes into your played area, and eventually back to their scrap pile. (Cards always go to their owner’s hand, deck, KO area, and scrap pile).
Bounty abilities and Revenge abilities will usually trigger at the same time. Bounty abilities are usually handled first because they belong to the active player.
No. Characters on your team always start on the battlefield unless specifically stated otherwise.
Pincer Movement gives you only one additional attack. After you play it, the next time one of your Decepticons attacks an enemy this turn, youll get the extra attack after the current attack.
Well dont just leave us hanging! What cards were flipped? Who won?
(Yes, everything you listed is correct).
One then one then one again. Now say that five times fast.
No. This all happens before Battle Cards are flipped.
Anticipation Engine and Sabotaged Armaments will both trigger at the same time. The attacker will resolve Anticipation Engine first, then the defender will resolve Sabotaged Armaments.
No. The character appears on the Battlefield fully repaired. Its not repaired while on the Battlefield.
Your character sideboard is allowed 1 character with 19 stars or fewer. Trypticon is too big for this and is wondering why youre not just running him on your team to begin with.
Utter calamity! Look at the top card, set it aside, reshuffle your scrap pile into your deck, look at the new top card, then decide what to do with the two cards you’ve looked at. Now, look at me. I am the captain now.
If a character attacks or defends, and in the middle of the attack, combines into another character, the new combined character continues to attack or defend. Note that the combined character is untapped and will remain untapped for the duration of the attack.
You do not! You can keep it in the original Weapon slot.
It only checks one time when the card is played, not the whole turn.
Each Overwhelming Advantage is separate, so they can do damage to different characters.
Once an attack is legally declared, the defender picking up Stealth wont matter.
Swerve happens before Battle Cards are flipped, so if you reveal Swerve to flip Detritus in this way and play Smoke Cloak, the Tough 1 would be in place before Battle Cards are flipped..
Lets walk through this whole play. You play Brainstorm and your first action is Ancient Wisdom. Ancient Wisdom has you scrap the top two cards of your deck and put an Action and/or Upgrade from among the scrapped cards into your hand. At this point, you can play Unleash Potential, if its in your hand.
Lets say you do. You get a card with 1 star from outside the game and put it into your hand. This may not be a great idea, because you then play the second action from Brainstorm, which is System Reboot. You scrap your hand (including that fancy star card you just snagged) and draw 4 cards.
But instead, lets say you dont play Unleash Potential. That brings you to the end of Ancient Wisdom and now you System Reboot just as above.
In either case, your new hand is Multi-Mission Gear, Brainstorm, and 2 Unleash Potentials. Youve already played an Action this turn, so were guessing youll now play Multi-Mission Gear. This allows you to play an Action such as Brainstorm. Brainstorm will allow you to play 2 Unleash Potentials. You played Ancient Wisdom earlier in your turn, so you can get two 1-star cards from outside the game.